追随经典 感恩时代 |
中国“三毛”漂洋过海会“丁丁” 微雨。微风。时光正好。 追随经典,感恩时代。中国“三毛”,飞越万里来到比利时会“丁丁”。日前中国电影文化主题展——“上海电影周”系列活动在布鲁塞尔中国文化中心成功举办,给比利时及欧洲民众带来新的视觉享受。该活动由中欧电影艺术思想对话、三毛漫画展、电影海报展和电影回顾展四个板块构成,是专门为庆祝新中国成立70周年打造的。 电影艺术思想对话意味浓,“故事里”的事说来趣味悠长 三毛和丁丁都是漫画人物,形象差别却很大,是怎么造成的?我曾经看过Herge 先生的一些书,发现早期丁丁的形象与三毛有不少共通之处。张乐平先生见过丁丁的卡通形象,Herge先生看过三毛的漫画形象,他们之间是否有过相互影响?我曾经读过一些介绍张乐平先生的书,他是一个具有人文情怀、对文化和社会非常有贡献的艺术家,他的作品怎样去影响和帮助人们开拓文化视野?张乐平先生的漫画艺术影响了很多人,怎样去影响更多的年轻人?中比电影和漫画艺术怎么样互相借鉴…… 比利时导演贾恩·布蒂尔连珠炮似的问题,问得嗨。张慰军先生一一予以解答,在场嘉宾直呼过瘾,对话不得不延长时间。比利时及欧洲嘉宾有幸听到了 “三毛”背后的传奇故事,收获多多。 这场中欧电影艺术思想对话由于受到名额限制,许多“粉丝”只能在展厅观看漫画展、海报展等待跟张慰军交流的机会,对话一结束赶紧上前讨教,记者更是逮住机会问个不停,找他合影、签名的,张慰军都一一予以满足,观众们带着满意回家。 没有什么不可以,特别的“展”给特别的“你” 漫画展特别选择“三毛”主题,让中国“三毛”漂洋过海来到漫画之国比利时,与“丁丁”灵犀共鸣。展览三毛漫画等,用三毛所处时代差异以及其文化影响力,助力中比文化融通互鉴。 此次电影海报展曾在上海国际电影节上展出,倍受中外嘉宾和影迷们的好评,这次展出的作品映衬了中国电影发展重要时间节点和内容,带着岁月的意味,情怀满满,完美呈现了中国电影发展的历程。 “三毛”恒久远,经典永流传 开幕式上播放的《三毛流浪记》于1949年12月上映,2019年6月18日该片的4K修复版在第22届上海国际电影节“光影记忆·时代经典:新中国成立70周年特别影展”首次展映。该片播放结束,观众自发起立鼓掌,向大师致敬。尽管当晚比利时有好几场围绕庆祝新中国成立70周年为主题的庆典活动,布鲁塞尔中国文化中心的100多位“粉丝”还是冒雨前来,一睹中国电影的“初心”。 葛译友 专程从迪南赶来的Lea Heusers女士,难掩兴奋之情告诉小编,她就是为了看《三毛流浪记》才驱车100公里,从家乡赶到布鲁塞尔的。 郭磊 从10月2日起,文化中心将利用“中国电影之夜”平台播放《大闹天宫》等6部经典影片,回眸中国电影走过的历程,用经典诠释好电影,促进中比、中欧文化交流。 兴许一帧漫画、一部电影、一张海报、一句台词、一个故事能勾起观众的美好回忆。 用电影传播文明,用艺术收获友谊,由布鲁塞尔中国文化中心、上海电影博物馆和上海市对外文化交流协会联袂举办的该活动,获得了比利时和欧洲民众的拥趸。 据悉,作为庆祝新中国成立70周年系列活动的延伸,布鲁塞尔中国文化中心年底前还将举办纪念刘海粟欧游90周年“十上黄山绝顶人——刘海粟美术馆馆藏作品以及文创产品展”,上海昆剧团将上演昆曲《牡丹亭》。 San Mao meets Tintin
As one of the organizers, the China Cultural Center in Brussels hosted an opening ceremony on September 26 to launch the "Shanghai Film Week" with the project's co-organizers, the Shanghai Film Museum and the Shanghai International Culture Association. A rainy Thursday in Belgium couldn't stop around 130 guests to gather in Brussels to see first-hand what this special endeavor entails. The Center was honored to welcome Mr. GUO Lei, Vice-Director of the Shanghai Film Museum; and Mr. ZHANG Weijun, son of the creator of the San Mao comics, Mr. ZHANG Leping. Part of what makes it special, is that the "Shanghai Film Week" celebrates two different 70-year anniversaries. On October 1, China’s National Day, the People's Republic of China turns 70, and this year is also the 70th anniversary of the Shanghai Film Studio, established in 1949 as well. Twofold congratulations were in order. Another significant aspect of the "Shanghai Film Week" is its incorporation of different art forms, while staying true to the film motif. It introduces two exhibitions. One tells the story of the San Mao comics and the other showcases movie posters to highlight an important part of film culture. Of course, movie screenings of various Chinese classics are also included. You may find the overview in our previous WeChat post. 大师班
Before the official opening ceremony, a unique film master class was given by Mr. Zhang Weijun, who talked about the creation process behind the San Mao comics. Besides charming anecdotes, he gave a look into his father's inspirations for the character and which outside influences from the real world affected the comics. At the end, Mr. Zhang engaged in a dialogue with Mr. Jan BULTHEEL, a Belgian graphic designer and animation film director, about the parallels between San Mao and Tintin on the one hand and between Zhang Leping and Hergé on the other hand. GE Yiyou Director of the China Cultural Center in Brussels Correspondingly, when Mr. GE Yiyou, Director of the China Cultural Center in Brussels, took the floor during the opening ceremony, he mentioned the connection between Belgium and China as two countries with popular comic characters, such as Tintin and San Mao. GUO Lei Vice-Director of the Shanghai Film Museum Subsequently, Mr. Guo Lei, Vice-Director of the Shanghai Film Museum, conveyed the intentions of the "Shanghai Film Week": to bring beauty in the form of Shanghai film. He expressed his hopes that these Chinese movies can capture the imagination of the Belgian audience, as they did for many generations of Chinese viewers. Afterwards, a film adaptation of a San Mao comic was shown to the audience. This 1949 movie is named "Adventures of San Mao the Orphan" and offers insight in the life of this famous comic character. A second screening is planned on Wednesday, October 2 for all who couldn't attend the opening ceremony. Before 2019 is over, the China Cultural Center in Brussels will host the Shanghai Kunqu Opera for a performance of "The Peony Pavilion" to extend the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. ——摘自2019年9月30日微信公众号《布鲁塞尔中国文化中心》